Minggu, 19 April 2009

gue kangen paramore

pengen cepet cepet ketemu paramore rasanyaaa

hiaah, btw.. video terbarunya paramore yang di paramore.net ada si zac ama taylor koclak banget deh. liat deh. hiahahahaha

lagi iseng, kita nulis aja deh :P

so what would you think of me now ?
a few weeks ago, i just heard you play
i just heard your voice
i love that. now..
i miss that all
just now, i feel like i don't know you
please don't leave my mind
i need you so much
your music, your voice, your spirit, your soul
where all that go ?
come in, come back again
to my heart
play, play again..
in my heart
just sing, now
just give me a reason to not lose you in my mind
come back to me
once again. oh, no.. more and more again.
i'll wait for that

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