Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Paramore is [still] a Band

sucha long time since i didn't write here. seriously miss this blog :)

and i know it's been a while since my heroes lost their 2 teammates :(
its Paramore guys, you know that Josh and Zac were leaving right? at first i got this news. i just... i dont know, i felt like my heart was literally breaking. this was too hurtful, really.
well i've been a big fan since 2007. from RIOT! era. haha. hhh... it was December 18th i believe. hahaha i just checked the to make sure. lol
well, i was sick that time i got the news, and... i cried... a lot. and then suddenly people lost their respect at Hayley, it's just... guys... it wasnt actually her fault :(
i hate the feeling when everyone took a blame at Hayley and i can't do anything for it :(
you know, Josh and Zac were the best guitarist and drummer, and always will be. Paramore is my hero. they are my life. it may sounds cheesy but hey, i'm just a teenager!
so for this, and for Hayley's birthday, i made this

so heartbreaking. "we are broken" guys, we are :(

check my youtube channel guys, its sayinglalala2712

and Taylor and Jeremy? guys, they are fuckingly awesome. and the epic Pressure flip? i thought there would be no more pressure flip, but then since i saw Jeremy and Taylor doing that, it made me think "they are such best friends right? paramore is still a band"

oh, and the thing that i won't blame Hayley is... don't you remember Hayley always said that "Paramore is a band"? so it's not just her, and her hair, and her angelic voice.
Paramore is a band guys, and it will always be

so Josh and Zac, hope you can find another happiness out there and keep making a great music!
