Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

my COVER. come watch, listen, and enjoy :)

it's my cover ! oh my god. i love doing this
the first !

it's demi lovato - don't forget :)

the second !

it's lenka - the show :D

the third !!

it's paramore - playing god :DD

the fourth !!!

it's justin bieber - one time XDD
and happy birthday wishes for hayley williams !!


happy 21st birthday hayley !! love youu

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

well, ehem, there's cute boy here XD


a.k.a. Justin Bieber :DDD

OMFG ! cakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
tapi ya tapi masa kata si elsa rambutnya kayak mangkok
si kevin sama ines juga bilang "Justin Bieber ? iuukh"
ih nyebeliin. kan ganteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeng

ehem, gabisa ngalahin Brendon Boyd Urie sih, tapi yaa... ehem
ya tapi kan si JB ini masih muda gitu lho. lahirnya aja taun 94 o.O
asik, gue kan lahir taun 95 :DD

suaranya juga enak hahaha. walopun si adek gue tanpa dosa bilang "itu cewek apa cowok sih ?" pas nonton video JB
"kirain cewek, suaranye aje kayak cewek", dilanjutin sama dia.

oh, pic ya ? hehehe :DD

my God, i wish i was that panda -,-

tuh deh. manteps banjet dia di situ

but also, kinda miss this :')

Rani Qurotu Aini Nichole Williams Boyd Urie Natsir Wanda O'shea Murray Prasetyo Bieber :PP

Minggu, 08 November 2009

curhaaaaaaaaaaaat XD

sesuai judul, gue mau curhat weweweeeeeeeeeee
kan gue ceritanya lagi falling in love gitu deh hehehe :DDD
hehe, sama adek kelas
namanya..... ehem, rahasia dulu ah :PP

waahahaa XDD

meleleh kalo liat dia, apalagi pas dia senyum
pas lagi tos-tosan, lagi salaman. waaaaaaaaaaaaaa
tangannya lembuuuuuuuuuuuuuut XDDD

wahaha mantappss
crush gue yang dulu lagipula sekarang berubah menjadi manusia menjijikkan.
jadi ya, ehem ehem. yang ini aja, selain lebih fresh, lebih ganteng XD
lebih pinter ! lebih baek, lebih sopan, lebih NGGAK MENJIJIKKAN

oke thanks

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

being so unlucky is... unlucky

ini salah
tapi banyak hal yang membutakan
dan membuktikan
kalau ini benar

siapa kau ?
kalau kau tidak masuk ke kehidupanku
aku tidak akan merasakan tekanan ini

aku benci merasa bersalah
aku benci menyakiti orang
aku benci menjadi sial

semua kesalahan
terkadang terasa benar
aku benci dengan perbedaan pendapat

itu tidak membuatmu hidup
walaupun kau merasa seperti itu
sama saja dengan saling bunuh
dengan pikiran sebagai kekuatan terbesarmu

salahkah ini ?
aku yang salah ?
siapa lagi yang berpendapat aku salah ?

sekarang aku merasa benar benar bersalah
seharusnya tulisan ini tidak pernah dibuat
aku sedang sial

Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

*unipmortant announcement*

hari ini sih niatnya mau posting puisi bikinan sendiri.
tapi pas liat tas sekolah : "loh ? buku gue mana ?!!!" kalang kabut dan inget

"aaaah, buku gue ama fahmi!" -___- *si ayam*
jadi gue nge-post puisinya besok aja deh yaa

hehe. babay :)

Senin, 21 September 2009

the host - stephenie meyer

okeoke. gue baru aja nyelesaiin satu buku novel, the host karangan Stephenie Meyer
gue bakalan tulis review, kesan dan pesan gue ke sini
this is such an awesome book. *you must see how fast im typing right now* LOL.milkysmile
well, ini buku keren sumpah. awalnya gue ga ngerti ceritanya. kata ka dinna "kebanyakan tokoh" well. bener sih. tokohnya banyak banget, dan lebih banyak lagi pas menuju ke akhir.

tokoh utamanya yaitu seorang "jiwa" bernama Wanderer. yang terus dikirim ke bumi menempati tubuh manusia bernama Melanie Stryder. tapi ga kaya kebanyakan jiwa yg disipkan ke tubuh manusia, si Wanderer jelas masih bisa ngerasain kehadiran melanie di tubuh yg dia tempatin itu,
awalnya Wanderer sendiri ngerasa ga nyaman. karena Melanie pemberontak.
wanderer juga punya seorang yang tugasnya kaya "mengawal" dia. disebut di sini pencari.
pencari yang nyari tahu tentang apa yg terjadi sebenarnya sama Wanderer. yah gitu lah tugasnya, kalo baca juga pasti tau kok. makanya baca, oke ? :DD

then, melanie ini selalu masukin ingatan2nya dia ke pikiran2 wanderer. kaya ingatannya melanie tentang keluarganya, tentang jamie *adiknya* dan jared *bisa dibilang pacarnya lah, bahkan kayanya lebih dari itu. cintanya melanie. pokoknya gitu lah*

akhirnya karena ga tahan, dan *gabisa nahan perasaan melanie ttg ingatan2nya*
oke bentar
melanie ini cinta banget sama jamie & jared. lewat ingatan2 melanie, wanderer jadi sering mimpiin jamie & jared. akhirnya, karena melani cinta sama mereka berdua. wanderer pun ikut cinta sama mereka. susah dimengerti sih, tapi penjelasannya, karena itu tubuh melanie, ingatan2 melanie, otomatis wanderer. *yang akhirnya diceritain* kalo dia cuma jiwa yg mempengaruhi otak melanie.
jadi begitulah

melanie ngasih mimpi2 ke wanderer tentang ingatan2nya dulu pas sama jared. rumahnya, yg ditinggalin dia, jared & jamie, dan peta2 menuju ke sana.
akhirnya melanie dan wanderer memutuskan untuk mencari lagi itu rumah.
dan wanderer pun bilang ke pencari-nya kalo dia bakal nemuin penyembuh di......
pencari-nya juga ikut. tapi ga bareng2 wanderer.

tapi ternyata di tengah perjalanan *tepatnya di jalan ke gurun* wanderer ga jadi ke tempat penyembuh dan memutuskan *bersama melanie* nyari rumah yg dulu pernah ditempatin melanie, jared, jamie.
berbekal air dan makanan, dan peta yg dibuat sama uncle-nya melanie. mereka memulai ekspedisi

mereka jalan di gurun pasir, berhari hari sampai hampir mau mati.
saat itulah uncle-nya melanie, uncle jeb. nemuin mereka dan membawa mereka ke dalam persembunyian uncle jeb dan kawanan manusia lain.

awalnya wanderer ga diterima di situ. eh bentar
di situ juga ada jared dan jamie.
jared ga percaya sama wanderer. sampai dia mukul wanderer. dan wanderer ditahan di ruang bawah tanah yg sempit.
pokoknya kekacauan lah. lambat laun mereka mulai percaya.

jamie juga percaya sama wanderer, yg ada di balik tubuh kakaknya, melanie.
jeb yang selalu nemenin wanderer sebelum orang2 percaya. ada doc, *dokter* yg tadinya mau menggunakan wanderer sebagai bahan uji cobanya dia.

singkat cerita, akhirnya sedikit sedikit manusia2 itu percaya wanderer. kecuali beberapa orang termasuk saudara perempuan jeb *aunt-nya melanie* maggie dan anaknya *sepupu melanie* sharon.
jadi abis itu jared, kyle dan beberapa orang pergi "menjarah" barang2 kebutuhan untuk di gua persembunyian.
lambat laun, ian *adeknya kyle* percaya sama wanderer dan menyatakan diri jadi pengawal pribadi wanderer.


sampe para org yg menjarah kembali, pokoknya keadaan tenang, gaada insiden serius.
nah pas balik, orang2 yg ada di sana, sepenuhnya percaya wanderer, kecuali *lagilagi* maggie dan sharon.
hal itu bikin para penjarah jengkel, terutama jared dan kyle.
jared coba ngomong sama wanderer, terus dia mencium wanderer *di tubuh melanie* untuk eksperimen, wanderer yang bareng melanie cinta sama jared, yaaa. katakanlah seneng. tapi melanie sebaliknya, dia cemburu karena jared mencium wanderer.milkysmile
akhirnya pun setelah melihat orang2 dan *terutama* jamie yang kelewat sayang sama wanderer. dia pun ikut percaya

melihat pengkhianatan, kyle ga terima, sampai2 dia mencoba bunuh wanda *panggilan buat wanderer yang dikasih jeb. capek bo ngetik wanderer -,-* di.. well, mereka menyebutnya kamar mandi. habis wanda selesai mandi, kyle nungguin dia di luar, lalu masuk, wanda yg tadinya ngira itu ian *adik kyle* karena suaranya sama, *oke, mirip* ngga ngerasa khawatir, sampai kyle ngaku sendiri itu dia - bukan ian -

wanda coba lari, tapi telat, kyle narik kaki wanda sampai jatuh, dan luka. more so... kyle mau nyeburin wanda ke sungai air panas yang ujungnya... well, ga keliatan yang kata jeb "setelah air2 itu mengalir ke bawah, mereka tidak tampak. jadi tidak ada jalan keluar dari sana"
tapi wanda berusaha meloloskan diri dan berhasil. mereka berdua jatuh ke lantai, bukan ke sungai
lantai dan dinding actually. daaaaan, karena bobot mereka, lantainya retak.
kyle hampir jatoh, wanda nolongin kyle *wow, he tried to killed her, ya know ?*
oke, karena kyle berat *tinggi gede* wanda nyari bantuan - ian - dan akhirnya kyle berhasil diselamatkan *and wanda too*


pokoknya begitu. singkat ceritaaaa
si wanda ini kan masih dibayang bayangi pencari kaaan ?
jadi akhirnya pencarinya wanda tuh nemuin guanya jeb..
dan wanda *singkat cerita* memutuskan untuk ngasih pengetahuan ke doc, cara menyisipkan jiwa.
tapi dengan syarat... jiwa wanda juga harus diangkat dari tubuh melanie.
jiwa pencari wanda juga diangkat, dimasukkan ke tabung krio *gitulah namanya :|*
terus rancana wanda mau dijauhin dari bumi, ke planet lain
tapi wanda lain, dia mau diangkat, terus dikubur di bumi. planet yang dia cintai, planet yang membuat dia jadi pengkhianat bangsanya *para jiwa* karena membela manusia.

wanda tahu, dengan memilih cara ini, dia bakal kehilangan semuanya, jared, jamie, ian, jeb blablabla
dan melanie sendiri ga setuju sama ide wanda. well, semua menganggep wanda punya altruisme. semacam sifat selalu mementingkan orang lain.

dan akhirnya, saat itu tiba. *gue bacanya berlinang air mata*Photobucket
wanda diangkat dari tubuh melanie....

tapi ga asik kalo diceritain sampe abis, jadi beli bukunya. BACA !
cuma itu cara buat ngilangin penasaran yang kali aja gue timbulkan saat para blogwalkers membaca postingan gue yang satu ini. heheh

this is the end. bye.....

ps : ga siasia uang *ibu* gue melayang 90 ribu buat beli buku ini. top markotop :d
SEP !!
hahaaaaaa. regards, rani :)


Minggu, 20 September 2009

:D hoho

haaalooo apa kabarnya lama tidak berjumpaaa XD
uda lumayan lama gue uda ga ngeblog. masa gaada yang kangen sih ? :/
*pede banget deh gue ah :P*

oke, kali ini rani ga ada rencana bahas idul fitri. haha. idul fitri di rumah seru kok :)
makan ketupat, solat id, dapet uang *yess !* LOL

ke topik pembicaraan aja ya :DD
jadi gue di sini mau kasih tau tentaaaaang

-__- lebaaaay


yeaaaah !!! ^ ini picture-nya pas mereka di mtv unplugged. kalo yg di rumahnya ada indovision kayanya nonton deh. T__T *rani gapunyaaaa*

video-nya sekaliaan yaaa. aku kan baaaaik *^_^*

and oohh. di kotak embed-nya ada tulisan *Embedding disabled by request* shitt ! -,-
okelah. ke SINI saja yaa. nyari di mtv.com juga ga ketemu video-nya sih. ck

jadi ini tuh lagu barunya paramore, cin. :DD
judulnya brick by boring brick

mau apa lagi deh ?
okeeeeh !!! ;)

Lyrics | Paramore Lyrics | Brick By Boring Brick Lyrics

itu lyric seeker-nya ya ;)

ohiya, lagi nunggu film ini di bawah ini nih. Jennifer's Body. tau kan kenapaaaa ? itulooh
si suamiku yang ganteng dan bandnya dan kakakku yang cantik itu kan ngisi soundtrack di sini. XDD udahan dulu ah. babaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy

Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

panic at the disco and paramore !!!!

well, dua video klip baru mejeng di iTunes gue :D

sama ini :D

dan ada tambahan juga.
hayley williams - teenagers :D


Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

pictures again ! yotsuba robots edition

yeaayy !

help me !

my disk is need to clean up. so i upload the fav photos to here and delete it in my computer. save all of you can. enjoy <3

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

paramore - ignorance studio version

well, ini sih sebenernya udah keluar lumayan lama, bulan juli gitu deh. *lama kan ?*
tapi yang belom tau atau belom denger lagu ignorance studio version. nih gue kasih

LAGI LAGI !! PLUS LYRIC !! yeaah terima kasihnya nanti juga gapapa *haha sok*
okelah nih

if im a bad person, you dont like me
i guess ill go, make my own way
its a circle
a mean cycle
i cant excite you anymore
wheres your gavel? your jury?
whats my offense this time?
youre not a judge but if youre gonna judge me
well sentence me to another life.

dont wanna hear your sad songs
i dont wanna feel your pain
when you swear its all my fault
cause you know were not the same
oh were not the same
the friends who stuck together
we wrote our names in blood
but i guess you cant accept that the change is good
its good

you treat me just like another stranger
well its nice to meet you sir
i guess ill go
i best be on my way out

ignorance is your new best friend

this is the best thing that couldve happened
any longer and i wouldnt have made it
its not a war no, its not a rapture
im just a person but you cant take it
the same tricks that once fooled me
they wont get you anywhere
im not the same kid from your memory
now i can fend for myself

dont wanna hear your sad songs
i dont wanna feel your pain
when you swear its all my fault
cause you know were not the same
oh were not the same
we used to stick together
we wrote our names in blood
but i guess you cant accept that the change is good
its good

you treat me just like another stranger
well its nice to meet you sir
i guess ill go
i best be on my way out

ignorance is your new best friend

you treat me just like another stranger
well its nice to meet you sir
i guess ill go
i best be on my way out

ngomong ngomong udah lama juga ga nge-blog. gaada yang kangen, apa sama gue ? iih sebeell D:
okelah, enjoy ;)

oiya, denger2 video klip-nya rilis 13 agustus ini, loh. *GA SABAAAAARR !!! XDDDD*

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

Panic At The Disco - New Perspective

lagu barunya PATD setelah ryan sama jon keluar :(
tapi keren banget kok lagunya. abisnya yg nyanyi tetep suamiku tercinta sih *brendon urie* muah muah

plus lyric loh. biar bisa sing along :D

I feel the salty waves come in
I feel them crash against my skin
And I smile as I respire because I know they'll never win
There's a haze above my TV
That changes everything I see
And maybe if I continue watching
I'll lose the traits that worry me

Can we fast-forward to go down on me?
Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
And I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

Taking everything for granted but we still respect the time
We move along with some new passion knowing everything is fine
And I would wait and watch the hours fall in a hundred separate lines
But I regain repose and wonder how I ended up inside

Can we fast-forward to go down on me?
Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
and I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

More to the point, I need to show
How much I can come and go
Other plans fell through
And put a heavy load on you
I know there's no more that need be said
When I'm inching through your bed
Take a look around instead and watch me go

Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
You come along because I love your face
and I'll admire your expensive taste
And who cares divine intervention
I wanna be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be a good idea
So catch me up on getting out of here

It's not fair, just let me perfect it
Don't wanna live a life that was comprehensive
'cause seeing clear would be a bad idea
Now catch me up on getting out of here
So catch me up I'm getting out of here

tambahan, nih. lagu ini bakalan gue nyanyiin pas perform di pelajaran bahasa Inggris nanti *can't waaait !!*
hope i'll be okay with that

just for the info, this single is made for Jennifer's Body movie
and hayley williams included in this movie too !!
not as paramore, just hayley. her song is teenagers
but it didn't release until now. just wait. i heard the move soundtrack will out at august 25th
wowwww !!! can't wait !!!!!!!!! i'll buy the original cd :D


Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Jordin Sparks - Battlefield

official video clip-nya gaada embed-nya, jadi pake ini aja lah :P
well, lagu ini punya Jordin Sparks. hm hm :)
pertama kali denger versi rinrox-nya. terus baru deh nyari yang aslinya. bisa kebalik gitu ya. haha

nih yang rinrox
(btw kalo yang gatau siapa itu rinrox, baca postingan yang ini ya)

ini versi aslinya :)


Lyrics | Jordin Sparks Lyrics | Battlefield Lyrics
tapi pake lyric seeker aja ya. haha :P

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009

RAN-Ratu Lebah

udah nonton film queen be belum ?
aku sih belum. hehe :P
aku liat ini video klip aja sih. cuma tau, oiya, soundtrack-nya queen bee yaa
coba buka, nonton. lagunya sih biasa aja. tapi video klip-nya luccuuu !!!
lucu deh. berasa lagi liat scrapbook
warna warni
mauuu !!!
makanya di-share di sini. abis aku suka. semoga suka juga yaaa :D

Senin, 22 Juni 2009


guys. i have new banner ! yeeeyy !
maybe it's not really nice
this is my self-made for the first time !
feel happy for me !
finally i got adobe photoshop and photoscape
that's nice



Rani Qurotu Aini Nichole Williams Boyd Urie Natsir Farro

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Sara Bareilles

waktu itu liat video klip-nya sara yg "bottle it up" di TV
lucuuuu,, cari di youtube deh videonya. sama yang lainnya

ada 3 yang gue suka banget

Sara Bareilles - Gravity

kerrreeennn................... sedih musiknya. keren pokoknyaaa Photobucket

Sara Bareilles - Love Song

ga ada embed official video-nya. ini aja deh :P

Sara Bareilles - Bottle It Up


Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

funny story

well, this is from my English text book.
ahhahahahahaha. you'll laugh til dead when you read this
i'm sorry if ain't make you laugh. just have to try

well. here's the story

Green, Pink, and Yellow

An English teacher was explaining about colours to his students. after he had finished explaining, he asked his student. "who can make a sentence using the words, green, yellow and pink ?"

James the smartest student in the class quickly raised his hand and answered, "when the yellow morning sun comes. i see a beautiful girl wearing a pink blouse walking through the green grass."

"excellent ! James, you are a very good student !", praised the teacher

"me, me, sir !!", Johnny the naughtiest student in the class said while raising his hand and then he said, "i heard the telephone ringing green....green, then i pick up the receiver and i said, "yellow, who's spinking (he means *speaking*) there ?"

get the point ?
i hope. haha

Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

hari terbaik

kau bisa melupakan semuanya
kenangan tentang kita semua
tentang bagaimana manisnya kita menjalani hari
tapi semua itu tetap akan terukir di hatimu
dan suatu saat kau menggali kembali ke relung hatimu
dan menangis menyadarinya
bukan terlambat, memang
kau menangis karena tidak bisa mengulanginya kembali

aku juga demikian
tapi berbeda denganmu
aku tidak melupakan kenangan itu
aku menangis tiap hari
aku mengingat setiap hari yang kita lewati
bukan hanya lewat pikiran atau hati
aku mengingatnya dengan seluruh tubuhku
aku bisa saja melupakannya
tapi aku berusaha untuk tidak memikirkannya

aku ingat semua kejadian itu
di mana tangis, tawa, canda, semua bercampur menjadi satu
saat kau membuatku menangis
dan sesaat kemudian menghapus air mataku
mengajakku ke dunia yang penuh warna

tidak peduli siapa aku dan kamu
di "hari terbaik" itu
aku berjanji
tidak akan melupakan hari paling manis itu
aku menepatinya sekarang
apakah kau juga demikian ?

sudahkah kau menggali ke relung hatimu ?
aku selalu menginginkan kebahagiaan
dan kebahagiaanku adalah bersamamu
dengan kau ada di hatiku
aku sudah sangat bahagia

kalau kau mengetahui hal ini
ayo gali relung hatimu lagi
agar "hari terbaik" itu tidak lenyap dimakan waktu

rani qurotu aini

Rabu, 03 Juni 2009


i really in LOOOOVEE with PRINTSCREEN !!!!

that's kinda funny. hahahahha

here's some from me XD

^^ waw... she's scary me

^^ coool <3 dont you think so ?

^^ i think we have an emergency

^^ she's sleeping. shuuutt

^^ we'll sing hallelujah

Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

paramore - ignorance

salah satu lagu barunya paramore yang dinyanyiin di tour paramore with no doubt

keren banget lagunya. apalagi intronya. wawawawawwawawawawaaw....
kata ines nyambung ama emargency
kata vatya mirip pressure

nahlo. bingung dah

nih video plus lyric-nya
lyric-nya ada di picture ya. kalo ga jelas gambarnya klik aja. okeeei ?

kalo gue perhatiin lyric-nya sih. kalo menurut gue yaaa. ini ungkapan hatinya hayley buat josh atau mungkin yang ga suka sama chayley [?]
gatau. just an opinion
who's still stick with it ? (joshley/joshayley)

or maybe move to this ? (chayley)

hahaha, i love them all.
as long as she's happy. i'm happy.
i can't believe those words out from my mouth.
actually from my finger. i'm typing

can't wait for paramore next album !!!
yeaaaayy !

Taylor Swift lagi

gue baru aja dengerin yang dua ini. ga baru juga sih, cuma baru di-post di sini aja. hahaha
lagunya taylor swift ! woohooo

dua lagu loh,
1. you belong with me

plus lyric. betapa baiknya hatiku. hahahahah

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do

I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isnt this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say you find I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understand you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that
You belong with me
You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me

keren deh video klipnya. simple. pengen gue punya cerita kaya gitu. rumah sebelahan bisa ngirim2 pesan pake tulisan. woohoo. mantabh.
sebenernya gue uda tau lagu ini dari gue donlot album fearless-nya taylor. tapi gue baru tau kalo ternyata ada video klip-nya itu tadi ! dikasih tau tamtam. hahahahh
gue buka, mantap bo ! ga sia sia. keren banget pas lyric
"you say youre fine, i know youre better than that
hey what you doin with the girl like that ?"
uda gitu pemeran cewek duaduanya si taylor swift juga. halaah. pas pesta dansa terakhir dia pake gaun merah yang SEXY banggett

2. teardrops on my guitar

lyric lagi mamen. hahaha gue kaya jamet (jawa metal). jangan ah.

Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see
What I want and I need
And everything that we should be

I'll bet she's beautiful
That girl he talks about
And she's got everything
That I have to live without

Drew talks to me
I laugh 'cause it's just so funny
I can't even see
Anyone when he's with me

He says he's so in love
He's finally got it right
I wonder if he knows
He's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

Drew walks by me
Can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly
The kind of flawless I wish I could be

She better hold him tight
Give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes
And know she's lucky 'cause

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

So I drive home alone
As I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down
And maybe get some sleep tonight

'Cuz he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing
Don't know why I do

He's the time taken up but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into
Drew looks at me
I fake a smile so he won't see

lagu ini gue tau dari blognya vatya
gue coba buka video klipnya, waw.. lagunya enak. alhasil gue download aja. enak tuh yang pas lyric
"that i have to live without"

love taylor swift !!!

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

ugg boots

rani qurotu aini
ugg boots


Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

rika !

well. haha
i just wanna share this. my graffiti ! in facebook. from me to me. hihi. lol

this is step by step how to draw "rika"
rika is the main character in the comic i read. i forgot about what is the comic and the story about. well, i can remember, that is a manga. ihihi. so, in the last page in that comic. i found this. hihi. i remake this. not copycat, cause i use the credit :D

here :

sorry if i didnt great at drawing. lol. just try my best :D

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

come on and hear this !!!

thanks to vatya. to gave me this weird idea. but i like this idea.
ahahahahaha. lol

my cover ! woohoooo !!

hope you like it, love it, hate it, whatever. just enjoy it
copyright rinrox ! awawaawawaw. love them

so.. here they are !!!

katy perry - thinking of you

taylor swift - love story

miley cyrus - the climb

christina aguilera - hurt

im sorry if my voice's weird. ahahahah

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

i just wannna say

well, hello
i just wanna say i miss you so much
i wanna talk to you
i hope we'll be in Y!M again
make voice conversation
or video conversation


maybe i'll draw you a graffiti in facebook
we'll share our experiences in our blog
see our videos in youtube
and make some plans to meet each other


where are you now ?
i am finding out
but there's no you anywhere
i just wanna say i'm sorry
if i made some fault
please forgive me

if you didn't love me anymore
i just wanna say
i still love you

blogger fashion inspirational "sea of shoes"

wow.. you just click this and find so much you need. it's all about fashion. Jane's the owner of this blog. amazing

here's some pic
enjoy :D
comment me if you like
and don't forget to visit her blog

regards :D

Minggu, 10 Mei 2009

lagi lagi Indonesia plagiat

aduh gila ! kemaren hari sabtu gue baru nyetel tivi
tiba tbia di jaktv ada acara c-music
gue nonton deh,
pas gue mau mandi, gue dengerin lagu yang ada di c-music itu, ada intro musik band gitu lah
gue kan kaget, itu intronya coldplay yang viva la vida ! begitu pikir gue
tapi pas gue nengok ke tv, ternyata ada band indonesia, namanya "angka" dan lagunya berjudul "hts"

mirip banget sama intronya viva la vida.
iih sebeeell !!!!

tuh viva la vida !
ga dapet lagu-nya itu band plagiat
ntar kalo ketemu gue post disini daah

Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

can I ??

to, my someone special
in heaven

Friday, may 8th 2009

hey, how are you ?
hope you always fine
can I greet to you ?
can I see your smile ?
can I feel your warmth ?
can I get you ?
can I have some love from you ?
can I kiss you ?

please... i wanna do all this big talking
without you I'm in the misery
and I'll always feel so small
yasterday was the best day
when we'd still be crush
and promise we'll be together forever
but now you're gonna go to the hiding place
as you always named "safer place"

what did you say ?
i didn't hear your murmur
can I hear your heart once again ?
well, if those ara also impossible
can you come back to me ?

please reply as soon as possible after you read this


Senin, 27 April 2009

template baru !!

hihi, dapet dari pyzam.com
semoga bisa menambah identitas saya sebagai parawhore !
love ya <3