Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Paramore is [still] a Band

sucha long time since i didn't write here. seriously miss this blog :)

and i know it's been a while since my heroes lost their 2 teammates :(
its Paramore guys, you know that Josh and Zac were leaving right? at first i got this news. i just... i dont know, i felt like my heart was literally breaking. this was too hurtful, really.
well i've been a big fan since 2007. from RIOT! era. haha. hhh... it was December 18th i believe. hahaha i just checked the to make sure. lol
well, i was sick that time i got the news, and... i cried... a lot. and then suddenly people lost their respect at Hayley, it's just... guys... it wasnt actually her fault :(
i hate the feeling when everyone took a blame at Hayley and i can't do anything for it :(
you know, Josh and Zac were the best guitarist and drummer, and always will be. Paramore is my hero. they are my life. it may sounds cheesy but hey, i'm just a teenager!
so for this, and for Hayley's birthday, i made this

so heartbreaking. "we are broken" guys, we are :(

check my youtube channel guys, its sayinglalala2712

and Taylor and Jeremy? guys, they are fuckingly awesome. and the epic Pressure flip? i thought there would be no more pressure flip, but then since i saw Jeremy and Taylor doing that, it made me think "they are such best friends right? paramore is still a band"

oh, and the thing that i won't blame Hayley is... don't you remember Hayley always said that "Paramore is a band"? so it's not just her, and her hair, and her angelic voice.
Paramore is a band guys, and it will always be

so Josh and Zac, hope you can find another happiness out there and keep making a great music!


Selasa, 30 November 2010

cover(s) update!!!!!

hey you guys! you know how i love singing so much right? hahaha well
these are some other new covers :D hope you like it

its Rihanna - Take a Bow

wooow seems too late to cover this song? no, never be and never will. this song is fuckingly amazing. you know i kinda suck there but... -__- dont be rude. just be nice, hope you like this one :)

and then its Sara Bareilles - King Of Anything

okay this song is awesome. especially the music video. sara bareilles is such an awesome person. everything about her is simply beautiful. i know for sure i cant beat her. but since i like her song, i wanna sing it. and hope you like it :D

so were moving to Taylor Swift - Love Story

i know ive been covering taylor swift for so long. and will never get tired. also for this song <3

and the last, Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are

woohooo im screaming! no, just kidding. well i dont have to say anything about the song. its just beautiful <3

well thats it!! enjoy
comment rate and subscribe
bye <3

Selasa, 28 September 2010


halo gue blogging dari universitas. di sebelah ada kak ranss sama rafni juga :D

tapi sebenernya ada kak thomas, rama, odhye sama bariqi (Y)

lagi di STEKPI ada program Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan ICT di sini :D

pokoknya tentang ICT gitu, ada tentang internet sehat, memfilter situs negatif di internet. dan lain lain :|

yang pasti... gue hari ini gak belajar di sekolah (Y)

padahal sih kalopun belajar gapapa hahaha kan hari rabu. hari paling unyu dalam seminggu.

oke, back to STEKPI, kita diajarin cara aman main internet. kalo naro internet di rumah, jangan di kamar atau ga dihadapkan ke ruang tamu si monitornya itu. hahahaha terserah sih komputer gue di kamar abisnya :P

tadi pagi berangkat kan ya dari 31 naik kendaraan operasional sekolah. *eyaa namanya berat padahal cuma mobil apv biasa*

ke STEKPI adanya di Kalibata gitu. ga jauh kok. terus pas sampe, kak Thomas langsung ngomong gini

"eh ini bukannya yang sering dipake syuting sinetron?" hahahahaha iya loh beneran deh. walaupun gue jarang nonton sinetron tapi karena saking seringnya gue sampe tau wahahaha :DD

terus lo belajar apa ran disono? maen doang? gak guna taugak sih lo!

woi jangan nyolot bisa kali -___-

nih ya kan tadi udah bilang gue belajar internet sehat, terus cara online aman, ngefilter situs negatif di komputer. banyak kan? jan bacot kenapa. punya twitter kan? (?)

nih ya kalo mau ngefilter situs negatif itu pake apaan tuh namanya DNS Nawala gituu

daripada ribet baca di sini mending buka aja ya ehehehe :D

terus ditanya gitu sama yang di depan(?) bukan yang di atas ya hahahahahaha. kalo facebook ditutup pada setuju gak gitu? gue jawab ga setuju lah, facebook tuh walaupun sekarang ngeselin, banyak alaynya, banyak penjahatnya, kenangannya banyak mameen (Y) si kak ranss malah jawab yes, sendirian pula. alhasil disuruh maju ke depan doi ngasih alesan. eh dapet tempat pensil deh. masa warna resletingnya oren kaya thejak gitu. hahaha candaa.

oke, sekarang kita omongin internet sehat aja yuk :D

internet sehat itu internet yang digunakan untuk kepentingan yang bagus bagus (menurut gue sih) *brb buka modul*

internet: sebuah jaringan global yang memungkinkan komunikasi antar kota dan bahkan antar negara dapat dilakukan dengan biaya yang murah.

internet sehat: internet yang di dalamnya tidak mengandung unsur negatif, seperti pornografi, madat, rasisme, kekerasan dan peerjudian.

maksudnya itu, di internet kan pasti ada tuh konten konten yang kayak gitu, tapi ini cara untuk menvegah supaya konten konten tersebut gak kebuka di internet kita. selain dari diri kita, ada juga cara lain dengan cara memfilter internet kita :)

nah tujuannya ini nih:

  1. membantu mengkampanyekan citra internet

  2. membantu memberikan informasi dan materi acuan

  3. membantu mengupayakan paningkatan penetrasi internet

jadi kalau sampe sakarang citra internet itu jelek, negatif blablabla nah dengan adanya internet sehat diharapkan citra internet sekarang gak kayak dulu lagi (Y)

pokoknya banyak juga deh materinya. ga mungkin kan gue ngetik satu modul kemari? itu aja dulu ya babaaaaaaaaaaaay :*

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

another cover update :D

hahaha you must think im a big fan of taylor swift. lol
well i do like her, but i can say im a big fan of paramore, in my opinion :/

well, this is the new cover

Rani :)

how i feel recently

there are so much much times that ive been spending way unwisely. i dont know if i have to regret it, i really do want to but sometimes i feel like i dont wanna put the blame on me. selfish, i know. but yea, this is exactly what i think. most of you may dont understand what i mean, yea.. im posting this just to make myself feel better. i dont know whats right and real anymore. *you know i quoted lily allen :|
i want to feel.. again. this way, i dont feel like im alive, i just feel like i have a blank body, you know, like you stand up in a white empty room. scary right? because you dont get used to it.
thats exactly how i feel. i dont get used to my entire life now.
i always do daydream. sometimes i feel like a silly one. since im not pretty i just think i let down my confidence way to deep.
i want everything, money, thinner body, taller body, smarter brain, better life?
i just feel.. empty

down deep...
what you found is...


what a life

yet i still have ^ this face. thank God.

oh hey, i broke up :P

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

a cover quick post

a new video cover of me :)
demi lovato - here we go again

enjoy :)

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

award (lagi) :D

halooooooooooo :D
gue dapet award lagi dari Tara imut :3 thanks ya sayang
award ini gue kasih buat Thea aja deh. abisnya setelah blognya dihiasi foto foto dari kamera dslr blognya jadi makin cantik. hehe
okaaay deh thanks ya sekali lagi :)

have a nice day :) eh iya ini ada lagu cover buat didengerin. enak banget haha
Anyone Else But You - Hayley Williams and Chad Gilbert version

okaay, bye